Hero Wars Assistant terms of use

  • Hero Wars Assistant (HWA) is a crowdfunding project to create a plug-in (extension) for the Chrome browser.
  • The developer of HWA is not related to the company creating the game Hero Wars. But immensely respects all those involved in its creation.
  • HWA does not store your personal data, the only thing that is used is your ID in Social Media. It is used as the internal ID for authentication.
  • Development is carried out due to enthusiasm and donations (gifts).
  • Extensions for the browser may stop working at any time for reasons beyond the control of the developer. For this reason, do not transfer large amounts, but transfer as much as you are ready to donate irrevocably.
  • All transfers in favor of HWA are voluntary gifts (donations) and can be spent by the developer anywhere at his discretion. That is, the translator agrees that he makes a voluntary gift (donation) and does not expect anything in return.
  • Refund of donations (gifts) is not provided and is not made.
  • Transferring money in favor of HWA, you automatically agree to all of the above rules.